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1F & 2F 勝利廚房 Victory Kitchen

1F & 2F 勝利廚房 Victory Kitchen

3F 交流空間 Taipei SE Square & 台灣公益團體自律聯盟

3F 交流空間 Taipei SE Square & 台灣公益團體自律聯盟

3F 交流空間 Taipei SE Square & 台灣公益團體自律聯盟

3F 交流空間 Taipei SE Square & 台灣公益團體自律聯盟

4F 黑暗對話 Dialogue in The Dark

4F 黑暗對話 Dialogue in The Dark

5F 台北市視障者家長協會-視障音樂發展中心

5F 台北市視障者家長協會-視障音樂發展中心

5F 台北市視障者家長協會-視障音樂發展中心

5F 台北市視障者家長協會-視障音樂發展中心


台北社企大樓(Taipei SE Square)是全國第一棟,也是亞洲第一棟以發展身心障礙者就業,並委託台灣公益團體自律聯盟經營的身心障礙者就業大樓。大樓內設備都採無障礙設施,提供更友善的工作環境。

About Taipei SE Square

Taipei SE Square is the first city-owned building both in Taiwan and in Asia that aims at facilitating disability employment and social enterprises. The operation has been entrusted to four social enterprises, including Dialogue in the Dark TPE, Farm Direct, and Victory Potential Development Centre.  Taipei SE Square empowers people with disabilities by creating a variety of job alternatives and an accessible environment. In addition, it is an intelligent building equipped with remote monitoring facilities for safety watch, such as falling over and fires breaking out.












Victory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled









我們的願景(Vision)是「激發身心障礙者發揮生命潛力,創造價值(Enable the Disabled People)」。我們希望成為不靠募款,在財務上能自己自足的公益組織。藉由培力身心障礙者,使其走入社會,發揮潛力,創造價值,並整合營利企業、非營利組織資源,共同消弭身心障礙人士在就業、行動等方面機會不平等的現象。

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The Origin

In 1963, Dr. Olav Bjorgaas and his wife, a young couple who served in Norwegian Mission Alliance, came to Pingtung, Taiwan and saw some children crawling on the muddy roads. They could not endure such precious lives being ignored, so the first national Polio Home for Children, which was called Victory Home later, was established. They believe that those children with disability are as valuable as children without disability. Their potentials need to be developed whatever it takes. In so many years of persistence, Polio Home for Children gradually developed into today's Pingtung Christian Victory Home. It is located in Pingtung City and two kilometers from downtown, covering about 2,000 square kilometers. Since 1963, it has housed children with polio over Taiwan and provided them with the access to medical treatment and education. After preventive healthcare was well developed, polio was under control and the attack rate decreased. Victory Home started to house people suffering from cerebral palsy and began a series of development and management on disability employment since 1983.


Introduction to Victory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled

In 2000, under the sponsor and support of Norwegian Mission Alliance, Taipei Private Victory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled was officially established. We  started to help disabled people in northern Taiwan with our years of experiences. Through a proper supporting services, including  series of lectures, assistive devices, job accommodation, sheltered workshop, vocational training, and home learning, disabled people can gain a sense of self-recognition, and enhance the self-esteem as well as a sense of accomplishment.


Our Vision

Our vision is to “enable the disabled by fully developing their potentials” We hope to become a sustainable charitable organization, which doesn’t rely on fund raising. Moreover, to create equal opportunities for people with disability in terms of employment and mobility, we would like to build an ecosystem among for-profit business, non-profit organization, as well as the government.


台北社企大樓 Taipei SE Square  3F交流空間  



​台灣公益團體自律聯盟 Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance





此外,本聯盟在社會影響力的推廣上亦不餘遺力,104年透過集結社企家舉辦溝通會議,發展出符合台灣社企屬性之公益報告書架構,並協助社企產出公益報告書(104年協助20家社企產出公益報告書,105年31家),106年受勞動部勞動力發展署委託投入加拿大社會影響力呈現手冊「價值展現(Demonstrating Value)」的翻譯、應用及推廣,106-108年年初,則先後投入社會投資報酬(Social Return on Investment, SROI)認證師訓練,協助慕渴股份有限公司(鮮乳坊)及第一社會企業股份有限公司(第一社企),完成社會投資報酬 (Social Return on Investment, SROI)評估報告,並通過Social Value International之國際認證。本聯盟長於深入理解並全面掌握社會議題、且具多元社會影響力實作經驗、帶動非營利組織重視社會影響力評估,身為為中介型組織,掌握了多元利害關係人網絡,連結與公益團體、社企、社會創新團隊、企業、政府建立友好關係。

In order to guarantee the rights of donors, strengthen their trust towards NPOs, as well as attain greater financial transparency and accountability, 30 renowned organizations from diverse fields came together to form the Taiwan NPO Self-Regulation Alliance. Their hope was to create an environment conducive to the development of NPOs by actively advocating for self-regulation and a better legal framework.

The Alliance was formally established on October 2005 with 63 members who made the pledge of self-regulation and agreed to achieve the goals of "fundraising accountability, financial transparency, service efficiency and organizational governance.

As of 2011, the Alliance had 125 organizational members, all outstanding NPO representatives from the fields of social welfare, culture, education and health.

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黑暗對話 Dialogue in the Dark Taipei







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Dialogue in the Dark was set up in Germany in 1988, and was introduced

to Taiwan by Taiwan Foundation for the Blind in 2011. There are 34 countries, over 160 cities and 650 million people who have participated in the exhibitions. Multinational enterprises such as Yahoo, UBS, Roche, DBS, NIKE, Dunhill, Allianz, JTI、DUPONT, GALDERMA and local enterprises such as HTC, MOXA, Nan Shan Life Insurance Company, Tokio Marine Newa Insurance, Mercuries & Associates, LTD, Institute for Information Industry, Trade-Van Information Services Co. and so on are all our clients.


Dialogue in the Dark TPE hires blind or partially sighted people as guides, leading visitors through experimental learning activities in a completely dark room.  Blind guides provide professional facilitation of self-reflection for participants. While guides with visual sight connect the experimental activities with participants’ daily work. The workshop is not only reflective and productive, but also has lasting effects for participants in terms of leadership, communication, and empathy.


Numbers of participants keeps rolling in. In addition to establishing our locations all across Taiwan in the future, we are also planning to introduce Dialogue in Silence, Dialogue with Time and more exhibition places. We hope to set up a platform for exchange of values via reversing situations of the strong and the weak.



Musician Center of Taipei Parents' Association For The Visually Impaired







1. 視障音樂人才培育:培育優良視障音樂人才,進行影音產製,並藉由經紀制度串聯外部資源以進行音樂演出、接洽樂團商演機會等。讓視障音樂人具有多元發展的機會。

2. 音樂點字樂譜製作:增加音樂點字樂譜的產製量,讓視障音樂人才擁有足夠的音樂學習工具。

3. 鋼琴調音:視障鋼琴調音師提供鋼琴調音服務、及鋼琴整調和維修作業。

4. 空間營運:建置錄音室及練團室空間進行人才培育與音樂產製,同時將多餘空間出租,讓場地有效利用;部分空間擺設二手鋼琴展示,讓有興趣的民眾能夠到場評估,增加交易可能性。

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Music industry is equipped with core values of creativity and marketing, which is barely seen in other industries. With plenty of music creators, mature production ability and relatively free market mechanism, Taiwan can make more cultural output values. In addition, the visually impaired are more sensitive in hearing with low vision and will be more enthusiastic at music. Those characteristics usually represent an outstanding achievement in the music field.


Established in 1996, Taipei Parents' Association For The Visually Impaired has been working on all-round development for the visually impaired and expects to become a supportive organization, which can turn life of the visually impaired from disadvantage to advantage and provide them with barrier free life, education, information and employment.

Therefore, based in Taipei SE Square, Musician Center of Taipei Parents' Association For The Visually Impaired is established as a barrier free assembly room of music. The Center expects to offer complete software and hardware for integrating music production, marketing, talent development and information, and become a music cultivation center for the visually impaired.


1. Music cultivation for talented visually impaired: developing a program plan to cultivate music talents, producing music or video as well as integrating external resources by managers for band performances or future business opportunity. The visually impaired then can have diverse development chances.

2. Production of Braille music: increasing the production of Braille music, which makes enough learning tools for visually impaired talents.

3. Piano tuning: visually impaired tuner providing service of piano tuning, technical service and general maintenance.

4. Space management: building a recording room and a band practice room for talent cultivation and music production. Extra space can be leased for efficient utilization. Part of space can be used for second hand piano display to attract interested people and increase transaction opportunity.


財團法人陽光社會福利基金會陽光活力中心 八德館




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